Marketing Consultant Retainer

$900.00 / month

The purpose of the business marketing consulting sessions is to provide the client with information based on their defined goal.This service includes but is not limited to: brainstorming techniques, understanding your competitors and the threats in your marketplace, creating and implementing customer retention strategy, identifying action plans, building sales funnels,and more.


This custom service provides 60 hours of Marketing Consulting per month. We will meet in person, via phone and email. I will call or meet you at the agreed upon time and location to begin my marketing consulting duties.

The purpose of the business marketing consulting sessions is to provide the client with information based on their defined goals and the years of experience of the coach in various areas of the consulting arena. This service includes but is not limited to: brainstorming techniques, understanding your competitors and the threats in your marketplace, creating and implementing customer retention strategy, identifying action plans, building sales funnels, designing marketing collateral, managing and updating websites, implementing digital content, and social media strategy, educating the client as well as asking and answering questions. Contact us